
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Bookish Memories

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Bookish Memories:

1. The semester I took Charlie Starr's C. S. Lewis class in college and read 13 of his fiction books that semester along with a couple of his non fiction books and excerpts from essays. (Best. Class. Ever.)

2. Going to Taylor University for the C. S. Lewis and friends Colloquium. (This included getting to meet and talk to authors such as David Downing and his wife Crystal Downing.)

3. Hearing Charlie Starr present on his latest book at the C. S. Lewis and friends Colloquium. (Read my review of his book, Light: C. S. Lewis's First and Final Short Story, here.)

4. Hearing Michael Ward talk (in person) about his new (at the time) book, Planet Narnia. Very cool.

5. Book fairs in elementary school. (And those little newspapery feeling book order sheets from scholastic)

6. Staying up way past my bedtime reading under the covers with a flashlight as a kid.

7. Blowing through the summer public library reading challenges in 1 week. (elementary & middle school)

8. Many trips to bookstores with my brother, especially Half Price books.

9. Talking about books with Davin at Barnes & Nobles

10. Discovering Rumi & Hafiz thanks to Erin.


Jenna St. Hilaire said...

I really enjoyed Planet Narnia. Fascinating stuff.

Also, reading under the covers with a flashlight is way fun. ;)

J.L. Neyhart said...

I know! Planet Narnia blew my mind!