
Thursday, November 08, 2012

Thankful Thursday 11/8/2012

Thankful Thursday (Inspired by Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts)

holy experience
I am thankful for...

103. Lunch with Lauren on Friday
104. A great Friday evening spent with Erin James. God sure knew what He was doing when He put us in each others lives all those years ago at White Mills Christian Camp.
105. Going to Erin Dana’s wedding and seeing friends I hadn’t seen in years!
106. Worshipping with my Sojourn family Sunday morning
107. A trip to Huber's Farm on Sunday afternoon with Julie Holt and Nathan Holt.
108. Tuesday night Community Group
109. Dinner with friends I’ve had since high school Wednesday night (Stevon, Johnna, Dana, and Shanen!)
110. The new book from Rachel Held Evans - it is blessing me immensely!
111. That Jesus is still King and my hope is in Him, not in any political party or candidate.
112. Laughing and being ridiculous with Megan on Wednesday night
me and Erin James - 1998 at White Mills Christian Camp!

Erin Dana and me!

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