
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday 11/15/2012

Thankful Thursday (Inspired by Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts)

holy experience
I am thankful for...

113. Encouragement with brothers and sisters in Christ last Thursday night.
114. Meeting a new friend with whom I have much in common.
115. Friday night with Ashley O.
116. Saturday night with Ashley H.
117. Fun and laughter with friends at the Baby Shower for Rachel on Sunday
118. Megan M -talking to her on Sunday night
119. Lots of time with Julie and Nathan (Mon,Tues,tonight,Sat,Sun)
220. Grandma being in town this week! (Supper with her on Monday, Tuesday, and tonight, and plans to spend time with her Saturday and Sunday as well!)
221. The BEAUTIFUL sunset I saw leaving work last night
222. A nice dinner with the fam last night
223. A (rare) evening to slow down and relax on Wednesday night.

Ashley playing one of the games at the Baby Shower

Laura, Johnna, Rachel, Jessica

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