
Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Top Ten Books That Have Been on My TBR List the Longest and I Still Haven't Read

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Have Been on My TBR List the Longest and I Still Haven't Read

As of this moment I have 2278 books marked as Want to Read on Goodreads... And even though I first joined Goodreads in 2007, I didn't start using it actively until January of 2012, so that is when most of these were marked as "want to read" on there.

1. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (unabridged) - I read an abridged version in 8th and 9th grade and loved it. So I've been wanting to read the unabridged version for quite some time.

2. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas

3. The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas - I remember seeing the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio in it when I was in high school and I've wanted to read the book ever since then.

4. The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton - Chesterton was a big influence on C. S. Lewis and so I've wanted to read more of his books for a long time.

5. Dandelion Fire (100 Cupboards, #2) by N. D. Wilson - I remember reading a post that said readers who loved Lewis/Narnia would enjoy this series so I decided to give it a try. The first book was okay, but I never got around to finishing the series. I even re-read book 1 in 2016 to refresh my memory so I could read books 2 and 3 and I still didn't finish the series!

6. The Chestnut King (100 Cupboards #3) by N.D. Wilson

7. The Place of the Lion by Charles Williams - this author was one of the Inklings (C. S. Lewis's group of writer friends), and so of course I have wanted to read some of his books for a long time too.

8. Descent into Hell by Charles Williams

9. The Austin Family Chronicles by Madeleine L'Engle, books 2-5 (I read book one in 2015.) I simply love Madeleine L'Engle! I'm reading the first book of her Crosswicks Journals now, A Circle of Quiet, and it is delightful.

10. The Magicians Series by Lev Grossman - I don't remember how I heard of this one, but the premise intrigued me.

(yes, I realize I already listed ten, but I wanted to include this one too...)

11. The Monster in the Hollows (The Wingfeather Saga, #3) by Andrew Peterson - I'm pretty sure this series was also recommended for fans of Lewis/Narnia in the same post that was recommending the 100 Cupboards series.

What books have been on your TBR list the longest?

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