
Tuesday, August 09, 2016

top ten book to movie adaptations

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Book to movie adaptations can be painful because of the changes that are made and the parts that are left out. And the more we love the books, the harder it can be to enjoy the movie version. Even still, there are some fun  book to movie adaptations and even a few where I liked the movie better than the book (this is very rare).

So here are my Top Ten Book to Movie Adaptations:

1. The Lord of the Rings - LOVE the movies, but the books are still better.

2. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) - this was a pretty good adaptation but of course the book is better.

3. Harry Potter - The books are better but I still enjoy the movies.

4.The Princess Bride - The movie is definitely better than the book.

5. Inkheart - I liked the movie better than the book

6. Stardust - I liked the movie better than the book

7. Fight Club — I liked the movie better than the book

8. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Both the one with Gene Wilder and the newer one with Johnny Depp)

9. Ever After - one of my favorite adaptations of the Cinderella story

10. Bridge to Terabithia - one of my favorite books as a child and a good movie too.

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