
Friday, July 01, 2016

What I'm Into (June 2016 Edition)


My reading slowed down a little bit in the month of June due to some super fun things like the C. S. Lewis and Friends Colloquium I went to at Taylor University, and having my roommate from college, Megan, come spend a week with me! But I have now finished reading 64 books so far in 2016.

Currently Reading:

Finished in June:

  • I re-watched seasons 1-4 of Doctor Who with Megan while she was visiting me!
  • I've also finally started watching The Legends of Tomorrow episodes off my DVR. I'm probably halfway through the season. 

Diana Glyer, Colin Duriez, and Sørina Higgins speaking on the future of Inklings scholarship at the C. S. Lewis Colloquium

Megan! LEGO LOTR! And we were watching Doctor Who! 3 of my favorite things!

Celebrating my brother's birthday!

My cousin's adorable children, who are always on the move! Love them!

What I'm Into

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