
Thursday, August 06, 2015

What I'm Into (July 2015 Edition)

I skipped doing this post for June, so this one will cover both months, more or less.

Books read in June:
Books read in July and the first week of August:
  • Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church by Rachel Held Evans (This was a re-read already. I listened to the audiobook this time.)
  • Adjustment Team by Philip K. Dick (short story)
  • A Wrinkle in Time (Time Quintet #1) by Madeleine L'Engle
  • Total Recall by Philip K. Dick (short story)
  • Off to Be the Wizard (Magic 2.0 #1) by Scott Meyer 
  • Spell or High Water (Magic 2.0 #2) by Scott Meyer 
  • Graceling (Graceling Realm #1) by Kristin Cashore 
  • An Unwelcome Quest (Magic 2.0 #3) by Scott Meyer 
  • Armada by Ernest Cline 
I realize that I read almost exclusively sci-fi and fantasy books in July. =) But hey, that's what summer break from school is for, right? 


I saw Inside Out with the Rupprecht girls and then I saw Ant-Man with Megan. I think those are the only movies I've seen in the theater recently. I enjoyed both movies quite a lot. I finally watched Insurgent last night (gotta love Redbox!), and I enjoyed it also, though of course the book was better as it almost always is.


  • I just finished rewatching the Friends series on Netflix, all ten seasons. (I started in January I think.)
  • Other shows on Netflix that I'm watching include NCIS, Gilmore Girls, and Doctor Who.
  • The only shows I'm watching on TV right now are Melissa and Joey, Baby Daddy, and Chasing Life (all on ABC Family), and of course, Jimmy Fallon. 

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