
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Top Ten Of My Auto-buy Authors

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics and info on how to participate, click here!

At first glance this post may look quite similar to last Tuesday's top 10 post, and it does start out with the same two authors, but I promise, it is a different post. Last week's was highlighting the authors I have read the most books by, while this week's post is about the authors who I will automatically buy (or at least want to buy) their books when they come out.

1. C. S. Lewis - Yes, I know he is no longer with us on earth, but occasionally new bits come to light (pun intended, only serious Lewis nerds will get it though).

2. N. T. Wright - talk about a prolific writer. I still have quite a bit to read by Wright!

3. Scot McKnight - I think I've read most of his books to date and benefited from each of them. I highly recommend Junia is Not Alone.

4. Peter Enns - I've read all three of his books aimed at "normal people" and plan to re-read them in the (hopefully) near future.


6. Rachel Held Evans - I love all three of her books and look forward to reading future ones from RHE.

7. Sarah Bessey - I loved Jesus Feminist and I'm looking forward to Out of Sorts! (I already pre-ordered it!)


9. Brennan Manning - I love everything I have read by Brennan. His writing exudes the grace and love of God.

10. Barbara Brown Taylor - I've also been so encouraged by the books I've read by her, especially An Altar in the World

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