
Wednesday, June 03, 2015

What I'm Into: May 2015

Well, I've been pretty quite on the blog lately. I never even posted my "What I'm Into" post for April.
Since I never got around to posting a recap for April, I may include things from then too:


For School:

  • Community That is Christian: A Handbook on Small Groups by Julie A. Gorman 
  • In Search of the Source: A First Encounter with God's Word by Neil T. Anderson 
  • Paul for Everyone Galatians and Thessalonians by N.T. Wright 
  • Galatians (The NIV Application Commentary, New Testament #9) by Scot McKnight
  • Galatians and Ephesians (College Press NIV Commentary) by Kenneth L. Boles
  • How to Ask Great Questions by Karen Lee-Thorp, Erynn Mangum
  • Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church by N.T. Wright
  • Theology in the Context of World Christianity by Timothy C. Tennent
  • Classic Christianity: A Systematic Theology by Thomas C. Oden

For Fun:

Rob Bell's "Robcast"
The Liturgists
Nomad Podcast
All About Jack: A C. S. Lewis Podcast

Marvel: Agents of Shield had some interesting twists and turns to end the season
The Flash
Daredevil (Netflix)
(Are you sensing a theme here?)

Avengers: Age of Ultron - I really enjoyed it. I think it lives up to the hype. I love Joss Whedon's work.
(sidenote, I miss Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Can we reboot that and see the comic stories fleshed out on TV? That would be cool!)

On Instagram:

So what did the Month of May look like for you?

What I'm Into

I’m linking up with Leigh Kramer for What I’m Into (check out the rest over at her site).

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