
Monday, February 02, 2015

What I'm Into (January 2015 Edition)

- The 1st week in January I traveled to Chicago with work and got to meet up with a good friend from high school while I was there.

- The following weekend I drove to Cleveland to visit my dear friends from college.

- And the weekend after that I drove to NC for my cousin's 1 year old birthday party!

My goal this year is to read at least 10 books each month, so I'm off to a good start:

1. Jesus Feminist: An Invitation to Revisit the Bible’s View of Women by Sarah Bessey (1/2/2015) - This was a re-read and I loved it just as much as the first time I read it.

2. Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art by Madeleine L'Engle (1/8/2015)
I love Madeleine L'Engle and will definitely be coming back to this one.

3. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg (1/13/2015)
This was okay. I'm glad the book exists and I'm glad I read it, but I probably won't re-read it.

4. Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor (1/15/2015)
I love everything I've read by Barbara Brown Taylor and this was no exception.

5. Meet the Austins (Austin Family #1) by Madeleine L'Engle (1/15/2015)
This was okay. I wasn't sure what to expect so it was kind of a let down after how much I love the Wrinkle in Time series. But I will probably keep reading the Austin Family series because it's still Madeleine L'Engle.

6. Disarming Scripture: Cherry-Picking Liberals, Violence-Loving Conservatives, and Why We All Need to Learn to Read the Bible Like Jesus Did by Derek Flood (1/15/2015)
This was really good. I'm sure I will re-read it and come back to it soon.

7. The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning (1/22/2015)
I never get tired of reading Brennan Manning, and this book is one of his best.

8. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien (1/23/2015)
I find myself re-reading The Hobbit every year or two, especially after I watch the movies.

9. The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible by Scot McKnight (1/25/2015)
This was a re-read as an audio book after reading the physical book for the first time back in 2013.

10. Life and Writings of C. S. Lewis (The Great Courses) by Louis Markos (1/27/2015)
This was an audio experience via Audible. It didn't contain much information I wasn't already familiar with, but I still enjoyed the refresher and Louis Markos's energy and enthusiasm.

Agent Carter
The Big Bang Theory
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 7)

At the Movies
Into the Woods

So what have you been into this month?

What I'm Into 

I’m linking up with Leigh Kramer for What I’m Into (check out the rest over at her site).

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