
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thankful Thursday 10/18/2012

Thankful Thursday (Inspired by Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts)

holy experience
I am thankful for...
72. Bill Dikes, a “Kentucky Grandpa” to me and my brother - that he is with Jesus now, free from pain and sin and suffering. He has won the prize, he has finished the race...
73. Encouragement from Shannon last night
74. Conversation with Megan on Tuesday night
75. The evening with Julie and Ema on Monday night
76. Dinner and conversation with Teri on Sunday
77. Fun-Movie-Watching time with Ashley Sunday night
78. Spending so much time with Julie and Nathan throughout the last week or so, including Saturday evening Church, dinner, and chillin’ at their place.
Bill & Helen Dikes w/me, January 3, 2010

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